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Element of Natural and Built Environments

Basically, this module is to learn about 2 major components which are the natural and built environments. We need to develop the observational skills, data compilation and analysis, produce ideas and last but not least presentation skills. Site visit will be one of the teaching material throughout the module.

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ENBE: Project


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Miniature Shelter in Nature.

Project 1(B)

This project is to design a shelter for a character that assigned by the lecturer. We need to differentiate the characteristics and the quality of natural elements. Analyse the function of the natural elements and built environment also the elements that cannot be excepted.


Street Intervention.

Project 2(B)

This project is to construct ideas on street intervention based on the conducted site study. Different group will get the different area and assigned to do the site study at the respective area. We also take a public transport to our site and do the site visit.




This process is let us getting nearer and closer to our site that we need to study. We may lost our way when go along the trip but we will always find the way back to our site. It may be interesting but it will cost lots of money if you got into the wong way or get into some troubles.

The Nature Journal.

Project 1(A)

This project mainly is to study the nature and the environments. We are assigned to watch the'Earth 2007' documentary through online. We required to identify the different elements that can be found in the nature. Describe the characteristics of nature by exploring the basic element.

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My 'X' Hometown

Project 2(A)

This project is to study my own hometown. We need to identify and describe the elements or components of built environment. Analyse the function of the elements in built environment in the city setting is very interesting because you can discover most of the things you don't know in the past.

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This project is study how to be a professional presenter and what is nature and urban context in the world. Case study are needed to support our presentation to make it as a evidence. We can learn how the presentation flow throughout the project.

ENBE: Project
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